Outsourcing Is Essential for Some Aspects of Your Business
No one can do everything all by themselves – it’s just not possible. Whether it’s a case of simply not having the skillset, or perhaps just lacking the time, at some point you’ll need to turn your attention to outside agencies to get a specific job done.
Previously, we talked about what you need to consider when choosing between creating video content yourself or getting the pros in to take care of it for you. But should you decide to outsource, how do you pick the best team for you?
In this blog post, we’re going to run you through some of the key things to look for when exploring your options so you can give yourself the best chance of working with the right video production company for you.
When you’re initially putting feelers out, you’ll likely come across brands that you have and haven’t heard of before. For those that come completely out of the blue – why haven’t you heard of them already? The companies that are at least in your peripheral vision to begin with are there due to one of two reasons – great word of mouth through their existing clients, or excellent marketing. We’re not saying give any newbies you encounter a wide berth, just be wary that if you haven’t heard of them before, there’s probably a reason for that.

The People Behind the Brand
We may sound like a broken record at this point, but it is so important that you feel like you’re dealing with people rather than a big corporate machine. With video especially, you need to be 100% comfortable with the team you’re working with – it’s how you get the best results possible. If you don’t feel able to take risks and try new things, the end product will ultimately suffer and nobody wants that. When both parties gel together well, magic happens, trust us.

Clear Points of Contact
It’s super important that you know who to turn to should you have any queries or concerns about the project being undertaken. Do they make it clear how you can get in touch with them if you need to? This becomes more relevant should the relationship go further than that initial quote, because good contact and communication will give you peace of mind. After all, one of the reasons you want to go down the professional video route is because it takes the hassle out of the creating process for you – you don’t want to replace this with the added headache of never being able to get in touch when you need to.