Testimonials and Reviews Are a Valuable Resource for Your Business
They provide potential customers with much needed social proof – something that plays a large part in influencing a purchasing decision should one be made. Every brand needs to make use of the good words that clients have to share, but how exactly should we go about obtaining those words for our own purposes?
Where to Look?
For a start, it’s important you go looking for a testimonial in the right place. Your best bet lies with your most loyal and regular customers. These are people who already have much confidence in the products or services you provide – after all, they are regulars for a reason. And, because of the devotion that they have shown you time and time again with their custom, it could be argued that their success is partly tied to your own, and so they have some kind of vested interest themselves in supporting you.
Overcoming the Fear
Now, sometimes there can be some anxiety in asking for such things from your customers. You may feel cheeky approaching your clients for more than just the fee you are owed for your work, but there’s absolutely nothing to worry about. As previously said, many of your clients may jump at the chance to support you in this way because of how much they rely on your service, but when you ask for a testimonial, it can serve to make you look quite impressive. The reasoning for this is it shows you have foresight; that you plan on being in business for the long term and are serious about the work you do and making sure you serve as many as you possibly can. It’s also impressive for people to see that you recognise the value of such social proof, so really, there is absolutely no cheek involved at all.
The Benjamin Franklin Effect
One thing that is worth noting in all of this is the Benjamin Franklin Effect – the idea that the people who would voluntarily do you a favour would likely do the same again. Who are your most helpful loyal customers? These are the people you should set your sights on. Of course, if none immediately jump to mind, you can still ask whoever you like, and the same principal would apply. If they help because they want to, they may very well recommend you elsewhere. If they help because you have incentivised the matter in some way, however, that is about all they will be willing to do. This is a not a major issue for you when it comes to getting your testimonials and endorsements, but it is a tid-bit worthy of a tiny little space in the back of your mind, to be saved for a rainy day.